Paper ID:J2ml6
Title:Developed Algorithm for Optimization of Critical Parts of Technical Systems in the Process Industry
Abstract:Maintenance, as an integral part of the production process, plays a major role in ensuring optimal conditions in which the production process is carried out. The paper presents an example of the optimization of a part of the technical system of a paper machine, an industrial plant for the production of hygienic paper, with the aim of increasing the degree of reliability and reducing total maintenance costs. The starting point for the modernization of part of the production system is the setting up of an optimization algorithm for critical parts of technical systems, the application of which should result in concrete positive effects in the maintenance and production sector. The model considered the criticality analysis of parts of the technical system from the point of view of maintenance, as well as the analysis of technological parameters that have the potential to achieve savings by reducing energy consumption in the technological process. The most significant positive result of the optimization is the reduction of energy consumption per unit of produced goods, which is certainly a priority goal today, given the high costs and unavailability of certain energy sources.
Keywords:criticality analysis, energy consumption, industrial plant, maintenance, optimization algorithm, technical system
Authors:Dejan Brankovic, Zdravko Milovanovic
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