Artificial pancreas systems courage to remove this risk by taking existing pump technology to a new level. The device close the loop by offers not only continuous monitoring by blood glucose level but continues adjustment in the amount supplied through pump. In this paper, we modified the existing model for type 1 diabetes mellitus to discuss different control strategies for the artificial pancreas. By employing the NSFD Scheme and controllability and observability for the linearized control system of the human glucose-insulin system. The stability of glucose-insulin in humans has been created and validated the non-negative unique solution. A model consists of eight states variables and 36 parameters, numerous of which are undefined and complicated to find out correctly. We work out an optimal parameter choice complication in which optimal values for the model parameters must be chosen so that the resulting model appropriate given preliminary data. By applying different control and detection techniques, reducing the risk of blood the glucose level in humans is often considered in the development of the artificial pancreas. Numerical Simulation are design with algorithm for close loop design with continuous monitoring of Glucose Insulin system for artificial pancreas. Developed model provide the estimation values for normal day life to measure the glucose insulin system in human.
Background: Otologic disorders are common presenting complaints among school children worldwide. When they do occur, they are a cause for concern because of the significant morbidity that comes with it. Most of these disorders often go unnoticed by parents and guardians. Even when they do, they might see it as normal or not serious and leave it untreated. Hence, it is beneficial to do routine otoscopy for children to detect these problems and then parents and guardians can be better informed.\nAim: The purpose of the study is to determine the common examination findings on otoscopy among children and ultimately the common ear disorders among children in a rural community in Oghara, delta state, south south Nigeria.\nMethod: it is a 3 month prospective cross sectional study among school children in Oghara. Two schools were randomly selected: a private and a public primary and secondary school. Permission was obtained from the school authority. The parents and guardians of the children were also pre-informed about the screening exercise. The pupils were given a health talk on how to care for the ear and the purpose of the study. Thereafter, their ears were examined and otoscopy done for each ear as a separate entity. The examination findings were noted and those that needed a follow up were referred to the Ear, Nose and Throat department DELSUTH for management as required.\nResult: There were a total of 287 children recruited into the study. Their age ranged between 1 to 14 years, with a mean age of 6.39 years .There were 155 males and 132 females with a M:F ratio of 1.17:1. The age group 5-6 were the commonest with 123(42.9%) of participants. The commonest findings were wax impaction accounting for 55.7%. Normal otoscopy was noticed in 43%. Other findings were dull but intact tympanic membrane and perforation which accounted for less than 1% in both ears respectively.\nConclusion: There is need for routine ear examination and health education to teachers and school children on ear hygiene. There is also need for routine otoscopic examination in these children to detect cases such as wax impaction and this should be made known to their parents and guardians which can improve their hearing and improve school performance.
In this paper, optimal piecewise Hermite interpolants $H_{2n}$ of even degree are proposed for different objective functions. The given interpolants $H_{2n}$ satisfy the same interpolation conditions as the Hermite interpolants $H_{2n-1}$ of odd degree and the free vector in $H_{2n}$ is optimized.\nThe method is presented such that the control polygons of the constrained curves are of the shortest length and then the curves are optimized by minimizing the given energy functions. Some graphic examples are provided to illustrate the differences between related results.
The paper presents the results of auditory perceptual experiments on human�s recognition of age, gender, psychoneurological and emotional states of children (n=200, aged 5-16 years), and their word and phrase meaning perceived by adults with different professional experiences (n=1038) while listening to tests (n=24) of various complexity. A correlation has been found between the children�s gender, age, psychoneurological state determination by listeners and test complexity, speech material included in the tests, recognition of the word and phrase meaning in the tests, between the child psychoneurological state determination and the listener�s professional experience. The practical application of the obtained data is discussed.
Caudal epidural xylazine /lidocaine combination anesthesia was easily and successfully performed in camels in standing position. Onset of epidural anesthesia was significantly faster (P<0.05) with xylazine/lidocaine (3.5±0.4minutes) than with xylazine (8.4±0.4 minutes)while the duration was significantly longer ( P>0.05) with xylazine/lidocaine (98.3±1.0 minutes) than with xylazine (71.6±1.8 minutes). The IV atipamezole at 15 µg/kg provoked marked signs of arousal within seconds with non-significant increase in the cardiopulmonary parameters without any side effects.
This paper presents an experiment and analysis to examine the elastoplastic response and failure of round-hole 7005-T6 aluminum alloy tubes subject to cyclic bending. Round-hole diameters of 2–10 mm were considered in this study. Starting from the first bending cycle, the moment-curvature relationship depicts a nearly closed and stable hysteresis loop. The diameter of the holes shows little effect on the loop configuration. However, as the number of bending cycles increases, the ovalization-curvature relationship demonstrates asymmetry, ratcheting, increasing, and bow-like tendencies. The hole diameter has a significant impact on this relationship. Furthermore, larger hole diameters result in larger tube ovalizations. In double logarithmic coordinates, the relationship between the controlled curvature and number of bending cycles required to initiate failure had five, non-parallel straight lines for five different hole diameters. ANSYS finite element software was employed to simulate the moment-curvature and ovalization-curvature relationships. An empirical formula was proposed to simulate the relationship between the controlled curvature and number of bending cycles required to initiate failure. In conclusion, the experimental data corroborated the analytical data.
The aim of this paper is to study degenerate Genocchi, degenerate Bernoulli and degenerate Euler numbers and to derive some properties including relations between Genocchi numbers\nand degenerate Bernoulli numbers and a recurrence relation for Genocchi numbers. Further, as generalizations of the degenerate Genocchi and the degenerate Euler numbers, we introduce generalized degenerate Genocchi and generalized degenerate Euler numbers and deduce explicit expressions for\nthe generalized degenerate Euler and Genocchi numbers involving degenerate Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds.
In Round-Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm, Time Quantum (QT) is fixed and processes are scheduled such that no process uses CPU time more than a one-time quantum in one go. If QT is too large, the response time of the processes will not be tolerated in an interactive environment. If QT is too small, unnecessary frequent context switch may occur. Consequently, overheads result in fewer throughputs. \nThe present work is based on a hybrid approach that includes the RR algorithm and the shortest job first algorithm. This paper manly includes two major parts. The first part studies the performance variation of a hybrid scheduling algorithm according to the QT. The second part describes the modeling of the scheduling process based on the design of experiments approach applied to the studied hybrid algorithm. The main objective is to determine the optimal QT length, which leads to optimize the average turnaround time, the average waiting time, the delta waiting time.