Title Fractional neutral stochastic integrodifferential equations with Caputo fractional derivative: Rosenblatt process, Poisson jumps and Optimal control
Paper ID hiyIn
KeywordsFractional neutral stochastic integrodifferential system, Rosenblatt process, Poisson jumps, Optimal control, Successive approximation.
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Title Teaching and learning the European Union in Romania: traditional and digital tools
Paper ID Fuy5o
Keywordscurriculum, formal education, non-formal education, traditional tools, digital tools
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Title Exploring the sources of labor productivity growth and convergence among state owned forestry enterprises in northeast China
Paper ID AhnHo
Keywordsenterprise production function , labor productivity technology driven,\ndivergence, catch up effect
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Title Relationship between Addiction to Mobile Phone and Cultural, Economic as well as Social Factors among High School Students
Paper ID 8QUPz
KeywordsCultural, social, and economic factors, mobile phone addiction, academic motivation.
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