Title: Dengue Risk Map of Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract:Dengue fever is rapidly spreading in many parts of the world and has emerged as a significant public health issue with potential fatal consequences. Information on the spatial distribution and state of dengue risk is necessary for any dengue prevention strategy and for defining the areas for control actions. As a result, an effort was made to map the dengue risk zones based on the geo-environmental and man-made factors that could affect the disease's potential transmission. The GIS platform was used to identify and customise the potential geo-environmental and man-made risk factors that affect dengue transmission. In addition, they contained particular ranges of values, which are said to be favourable for the spread of disease. A standardised dengue transmission risk index (SDTRI) was calculated using appropriate weighted scores for these factors to produce the risk map. In the study area, the SDTRI values varied from 8 to 19. With the rising value of SDTRI, the potential risk rises. A higher risk of dengue transmission in that area is indicated by the risk map's high index values. The correlation between this risk map prediction and past dengue outbreaks was strong (p 0.001), and it was discovered that the disease mostly affects areas with SDTRI values more than or equal to 13. Therefore, this dengue risk map will be helpful for spatial delimitation and for planning the appropriate interventions.

Title: Minor Axis Variation and Critical Minor Axis Variation of Elliptical Tubes under Cyclic Bending

Abstract:This study examines the behavior of SUS304 stainless steel elliptical tubes with varying major-to-minor axis length ratios under cyclic bending loads. The primary focus is on the relationships between minor axis variation and the number of cycles, as well as between critical minor axis variation and controlled curvature. Minor axis variation is defined as the change in minor axis length relative to its original length. Four major-to-minor axis length ratios are considered: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. Based on the experimental results, the relationship between minor axis variation and the number of cycles is divided into four stages: the initial stage, the secondary stage, the tertiary stage, and the fourth stage. Since buckling occurs during the transition from the second to the third stage, this study focuses on the first two stages. Additionally, at a fixed controlled curvature, a higher major-to-minor axis length ratio leads to faster minor axis variation growth and fewer cycles to fracture. Regarding the experimental relationship between critical minor axis variation and controlled curvature, a larger major-to-minor axis length ratio is associated with greater critical minor axis variation. This paper also proposes theoretical formulas to describe the relationships between minor axis variation and the number of cycles, as well as critical minor axis variation and controlled curvature. A comparison of theoretical and experimental data demonstrates that the proposed formulas accurately capture the experimental results.


Abstract:Equality is a term that has found its place in national and international legislation. However, it is seen that equality is sometimes included as a right and sometimes as a basic principle in terms of benefiting from other rights in the relevant regulations. Both in the legislation and in the Constitutional Court decisions, it is stated that equality is a superior concept that also includes the prohibition of discrimination. The Constitutional Court considers that equality is both a right and a fundamental principle in terms of benefiting from other rights. Our Constitution, by departing from the systematics of the 1924 and 1961 Constitutions, included equality not in the section of fundamental rights and freedoms, but in the section of general principles, which includes the basic principles related to the state. While some authors argue that equality is not a right, based on the systematics of the Constitution, some other authors think that equality is a right. However, when the literature on equality is reviewed, it is seen that the relevant studies are generally gathered under the title of the principle of equality. In this context, this study will discuss whether equality is a human right or not, based on different legal regulations, the systematics of the constitution, different views in the literature and the decisions of the Constitutional Court.

Title: Developed Algorithm for Optimization of Critical Parts of Technical Systems in the Process Industry

Abstract:Maintenance, as an integral part of the production process, plays a major role in ensuring optimal conditions in which the production process is carried out. The paper presents an example of the optimization of a part of the technical system of a paper machine, an industrial plant for the production of hygienic paper, with the aim of increasing the degree of reliability and reducing total maintenance costs. The starting point for the modernization of part of the production system is the setting up of an optimization algorithm for critical parts of technical systems, the application of which should result in concrete positive effects in the maintenance and production sector. The model considered the criticality analysis of parts of the technical system from the point of view of maintenance, as well as the analysis of technological parameters that have the potential to achieve savings by reducing energy consumption in the technological process. The most significant positive result of the optimization is the reduction of energy consumption per unit of produced goods, which is certainly a priority goal today, given the high costs and unavailability of certain energy sources.

Title: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management: Reshaping Decision-Making Processes

Abstract:In today`s world of rapid change and transformation, the most significant difference is in the field of technology. Human beings, who have difficulty in keeping up with the speed of technological developments, also strive to increase their standard of living by including technology in every aspect of their lives. This change and transformation also affects organizations. Many organizations have completely surrendered their business processes to technology and established automation systems and unmanned production mechanisms have been developed. This situation has raised the question "is the human element in business life becoming inactive or does technology increase the efficiency of the human element and make their work easier?". In this study, the impact and contribution of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) on management processes was discussed, and evaluations were made on how AI can be utilized in the decision-making process.

Title: The use of the safe method for vegetable cultivation and the change in the income of the farmers

Abstract:Farmers of Bangladesh produce both general and high-value vegetables, one of the major crops in Bangladesh that comprises required vitamins and minerals, cultivated throughout different seasons of the year. Due to the lack of proper knowledge about modern farming, farmers are not interested in producing high-value vegetables. This study tries to realize the development of vegetable farming after implementing safe methods for general and high-value vegetable cultivation and the consequential change in farmers` income. This study used and organized the data, collected during different baseline and impact studies, in a different way to reach the study objectives. Using structured questionnaires to collect data, this study tried to find out key information about socio-economic conditions, uses of agricultural land, vegetable farming techniques, selling, and financing during the project period. It is explored that the average vegetable production, revenue, and profits are significantly higher than that of the start of the project. The practice of safe methods and improved marketing can ensure increased employment, better quality vegetables free from toxicity, improved soil quality, and higher farmers` income. Creating awareness and providing proper training with logistic support will help the farmers cultivate and process general and high-value vegetables commercially.


Abstract:This article analyses studies in the field of digital public administration from a bibliometric perspective. Bibliometrics is a method that evaluates scientific developments by performing statistical and mathematical analyses on scientific publications. In the study, publications on digital public administration were scanned using Web of Science (WoS) scientific databases and bibliometric analyses were performed. As a result of the analyses, important topics in the field of digital public administration, the most cited publications, keywords and researchers in the field were identified. The article aims to contribute to the literature by presenting a bibliometric perspective on research in the field of digital public administration and to provide a basis for future studies. In this context, 1335 publications were identified and analysed with various restrictions. It is expected that the results of the study will serve as a compass for future studies in the field of digital public administration, especially as they aim to identify locomotive topics and niche areas.

Title: Holistic gene expression and total RNA quantification after Anti-Sense Agonist DNA Application to RNA Strands (ASADARS) procedure in Hek293 cells

Abstract:Hybridization of oligonucleotides is effectively used to manipulate transcription level of cells. Here we introduce the method of hybridizing complementary single strand DNA (cDNA) to the RNA strands. We call this namely, Anti-Sense Agonist DNA Application to RNA Strands (ASADARS) method. The purpose of our study is to determine the effects of hybridization of single strand DNA oligomer to RNA transcript, to show specific or holistic interference. It is similar to siRNA, but DNA oligomers are replaced for interference instead of small RNA molecules. Identical to the initial protocol in RT-PCR, Hek293 cells were lysed and their RNA transcripts and were separated to synthesize cDNA. The RNA was removed, to leave only complementary ‘single strand DNA’ oligomers. These DNA oligomers were then transfected back to 293 cells. For Controls, SH-Sy5y cDNA, 293 RNA, SH-Sy5y RNA, reagent and blank controls were treated. After 24 hours, the total RNA was decreased but the overall average microarray gene expression was up-regulated in 1.4 fold, in 30,926 genes. The single strand cDNA treatment, in specific gene target condition or holistic miscellaneous gene target was both evaluated. On the oligonucleotide treatment, either RNA or DNA delayed proliferation. Total protein level was not significantly altered. With this approach, primarily, the stability issues of siRNAs can be resolved by replacing it to DNA, which shows long term DNA-RNA hybridization. Cellular homeostasis and RNA compensation response is further postulated as a response of prolonged gene expression inhibitory or regulatory effects.

Title: Evaluation of Job Insecurity Dimensions for Remote Workers in Turkey

Abstract:This study was conducted to determine whether remote working causes an increase in job insecurity in Turkey. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. In this study, a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, was adopted. The quantitative method was used to measure the perception of job security among remote workers. To enhance the reliability of the findings, qualitative methods were also utilized. In the quantitative method, 235 people working in the private sector who had experience in teleworking were selected as a sample. Data were collected by the questionnaire method. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The qualitative method selected twenty people working as experts and managers who have experienced remote working as a sample. The content analysis method was used to analyze the data. Organizations that want to gain a competitive advantage should consider flexible working models and the concept of job security and implement the assured flexibility model. In this direction, they should implement the necessary human resources policies to ensure employees have positive perceptions of their job security.

Title: Response and Buckling of SUS304 Stainless Steel Oval Square Tubes Subjected to Cyclic Bending

Abstract:This paper investigates the mechanical behavior and buckling failure of SUS304 stainless steel oval square tubes with four different long/short axis ratios (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0) under cyclic bending. The wall thickness is 0.7 mm for all oval square tubes, and cyclic bending loads are applied until buckling failure occurs. The moment-curvature relationships for all SUS304 stainless steel oval rectangular tubes eventually forms a stable elastic-plastic loop for every long/short axis ratio. Additionally, the relationships between short axis variation (the change in the length of the short axis divided by the original length of the short axis) and curvature demonstrate serrations, and a growth pattern as cycles progress. Moreover, a larger long/short axis ratio corresponds to a greater short axis variation. Regarding the curvature-number of cycles required to ignite buckling relationships, it can be observed that the four long/short axis ratios correspond to four straight lines when plotted on double logarithmic coordinates. Lastly, this study proposes theoretical equations to describe the aforementioned relationships. The theoretical analysis is compared with experimental data, revealing a close alignment between the two approaches. This indicates that the theory can reasonably describe the experimental results.